Local Resources+ Customer First Service + Global Vision

Assisting students in North America to gain acceptances at top U.S. Colleges.


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Bonday Canada

Headquarters in Toronto, Bonday Canada gathers top consultants and resources from China, Canada and the U.S.. With the model of “Local Resources+ Customer First Service + Global Vision“, we are a three-dimensional and localized team assisting students in North America to gain acceptances at top U.S. Colleges. Our consultants have an average of over 15 years of experience in teaching and management in the Canadian school system, and are familiar with the curriculum system of Canadian public and private schools, as well as the curriculum requirements of American and Canadian universities. Targeted suggestions are provided for students based on schools attended (especially top private schools), helping students improve their competitiveness in entering higher education.

Harvard University 哈佛大学 2名
Princeton UniverSity 普林斯顿大学 1名
Stanford University 斯坦福大学 1名
The Wharton Schoolofthe University of Pennsylvania
宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院 1名
Duke University 杜克大学 1名
University of Oxford 牛津大学 1名
Cornell University 康奈尔大学 3名
Dartmouth College 达特茅斯学院 1名
University of California-Berkeley 加州大学伯克利分校 2名
University of California-Los Angeles 加州大学洛杉矶分校 2名
Georgetown University 乔治城大学 1名
NewYork University 纽约大学 2名
University of Michigan 密歇根大学 1名
Swarthmore College 斯沃斯莫尔学院 1名
Barnard College 巴纳德学院 1名